Visit to the University of Cantabria
En el marco del Programa Erasmus de movilidad de profesores nos ha visitado el Prof. Dr. Johannes Keogh de la Facultad de Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Fulda, Alemania. Tras su estancia nos cuenta brevemente su experiencia. Desde aquí queremos agradecerle su visita y la posibilidad de conocer otros proyectos y ámbitos de investigación:
I had the opportunity to visit the University of Cantabria, Department of Nursing from 24 – 28 March 2014. My wife accompanied me, and we were received with friendliness. We had the opportunity to see old friends again, and make new friends as well. The Staff in this Department is simply wonderful. They are so friendly and prepared to show all they have achieved with pride.
We were given the opportunity to visit a Primary Health Care Centre, which was very interesting as we both come from a Public Health background, and Primary Health Care has been one of our specialities. We also met the friendly staff from the Occupational Health Services, and one of my highlights, was the visit to the Virtual Hospital Valdecilla. This was a great experience where I learned a lot and met very interesting people.
I held a lecture on Advance Practice Nurses and the Care of Chronically Ill People, and was very happy that so many students participated, asked questions, and made it a memorable experience for me.
We want to thank Raquel, Miguel, Santiago, Elias and the extremely friendly Lady that brought me water during my lecture, for receiving us with such friendliness and made us feel welcome in the Department. We were sad to leave, especially as the sun appeared on the last day!
Johannes and Mariana Keogh